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Sattwa Nagchampa 12 korte stokjes

Sattwa Nagchampa – Gelijkmoedigheid, Verlicht Verstand
12 korte stokjes
Sattwa Nagchampa is een warme, rijke en intense geur waar je lang van kunt genieten. De basis is gemaakt van oosterse, houtachtige geuren tezamen&

Sattwa Nagchampa – Gelijkmoedigheid, Verlicht Verstand
Sattwa Nagchampa is een warme, rijke en intense geur waar je lang van kunt genieten. De basis is gemaakt van oosterse, houtachtige geuren tezamen met de Indiase Kewda bloem, verfrissende Vetiver en verzachtende Lavendel. Tuberosa bloemen maken het tot een mooie, afgeronde geur.

Mike Mclatchey (wierookrecensent) van Olfactory Rescue schrijft:

Sandalwood is a main ingredient in all these incenses but it perhaps makes its presence most known in the Sattwa Nagchampa. With kewra, lavender tuberose and vetivert in the mix, this is definitely something of a cousin to the Atma and Hansa blends, if you can imagine the biggest change to be an increase in the amount of woodiness used. The vetivert here also seems to be turned up enough to give the scent a pleasant and sharp subnote and adding this to the woods and halmaddi base helps to balance the florals without reducing the richness of the scent. Overall this is a very pretty incense with a lot of activity in the mix and it’s among the bolder scents in the line. And like its cousins, the mix seems gauged to reveal its complexity slowly over time, something a review really can’t account for without an excessively lengthy preparation period.

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– 12 korte stokjes (brandduur 30 tot 45 minuten).