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Radha Nagchampa 12 korte stokjes

Radha Nagchampa De Tweeling Ziel van de Jonge Krishna
12 korte stokjes
Radha Nagchampa is een delicaat rozenboeket, samengesteld uit wilde zoete Indiase w

Radha Nagchampa De Tweeling Ziel van de Jonge Krishna
12 korte stokjes
Radha Nagchampa is een delicaat rozenboeket, samengesteld uit wilde zoete Indiase witte rozen, verrijkt met lagen van rode en gele rozen en Geranium. Een geur met prachtig zoete rozen noten die je kamer gevuld houdt met rozen.

Mike Mclatchey (wierookrecensent) van Olfactory Rescue schrijft:

Radha Nagchampa is more dry and robust as a floral and includes white rose and spicy geranium. Anything with geranium tends to lose me and this wasn’t much of an exception, but putting aside the personal preference, you’d have to discuss this one in terms of its rosyness. As such this is perhaps the least bouquet-like as a floral, but it moves in the type of floral direction that I tend to find a bit harsh. It does have the same sort of clever balance the rest of the incenses in the line does in terms of the oils matching up with the base, but as this was the fourth incense so close in style, I was started to really run out of ways to separate this from the rest. In the end I’d probably say start with Pavitra, if you really love it follow it up with Govinda.

– 12 korte stokjes (brandduur 30 tot 45 minuten).