Govinda Nagchampa – De jonge Krishna
Govinda Nagchampa is een lieflijke en vrolijke bloemenmix met vele lagen van zoete Champaca bloemen, frisse Neroli en Ylang Ylang. De groene, sterke citroennoot van Citroengras en het rijke, intense aroma van Rozen en Jasmijn maken dit geheel tot een bijzonder poëtische geur. De jonge Krishna met zijn fluit heet Govinda.
Mike Mclatchey (wierookrecensent) van Olfactory Rescue schrijft:
Govinda Nagchampa returns to the floral (sub)style with a mix of sweet champa flower, neroli, ylang ylang and sweet roses. During my first sticks it was instantly noticeable how similar this is in style to the Aravind, except in this case it feels like the halmaddi/sandalwood center seems to come out a bit more. Govinda isn’t quite as dry as Aravind and the overall scent is noticeably sweeter. But like Aravind this is a noticeably more floral and “flower mix” type of scent than previous installments in the line and so when you look at the overall expansion it makes sense to move in this direction, giving the brand quite a bit more breadth. Like the Pavitra, I found that this mix starts to take off with use and like most of the incenses in the line increased use makes you feel like the creators really sat down and made sure they got the balance right. So if you want to try one of the florals I’d either start with this one or the Pavitra, but be sure to try one before expanding to the others as they’re all variations on a theme.
– 20 lange stokjes (brandduur 1 tot 2 uur).
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