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Ananda Nagchampa 20 lange stokjes

Ananda Nagchampa – Gelukzaligheid
20 lange stokjes
Ananda Nagchampa is een sprankelend, schoon en frisse geur van verse bloemen en kruiden. De basis is de bloemengeuren van Jasmijn en Roos, met daar omheen de aromatische nua

Artikelnummer: 11902 Categorie: Tag:

Ananda Nagchampa – Gelukzaligheid
Ananda Nagchampa is een sprankelend, schoon en frisse geur van verse bloemen en kruiden. De basis is de bloemengeuren van Jasmijn en Roos, met daar omheen de aromatische nuances van Lavendel, Ylang Ylang en warme houtachtige tonen van Ceder, Patchouli, Tijm en Koriander. De vanilleachtige zoetheid komt van de benzoin hars.

Mike Mclatchey (wierookrecensent) van Olfactory Rescue schrijft:

Ananda Nagchampa is described as a blend of sweet floral and herbal fragrances. The base on this one are the typical vanilla and sweet notes of most durbars with a slightly piney or evergreen note that is likely to come from the mattipal. The combination gives it a soft and mellow tone and in this case, the ingredients add up to a fairly intricate mix. Like the Vishnu Nagchampa, Ananda seems to strike a middle between the deluxe, sweet and perfumed concotion found in the Ganesh blend and the dry spicy and more typically standard nagchampa scent found in the Shanti blend. Like most of the incenses here there’s a very strong cassia or cinnamon aroma in the middle, but here there are fruitier hints such as strawberry and orange, mixed with what seem to be greener herbal notes. It’s possibly the most unusual incense of the five, the most complex, and the fragrance that takes one’s nose the longest to adjust to.

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– 20 lange stokjes (brandduur 1 tot 2 uur).